
Plant Distribution Drive 2022

Distributing plants happenned in 2021 and continues in 2022. Doddaballapur area which is on the verge of becoming a dry area lost water. Many borewells have dried in this region due to eucalyptus plantation and excessive usage of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. For future generations to have some greenery and water, there is a need for planting tree species. At GLT, we are working in making farmers realize the importance of tree planting and move towards increasing the tree cover. Part of the problem may get solved through this. Our team, studied about the farmers living in this region and ensured the plants planted are taken care of. We encourage farmers to come and collect teak (tectona grandis),sandal (sanctalum album),  malbar neem (milia dubia) and  mahoghany (swetania macrophylla)  plants to grow it into a tree. The team of GLT covered 28 villages distributing 10132 trees amongst 61 farmers which covered a total planted area of 62.5 acres. These 10132 trees once grown fully have the potential to absorb 3000 tonnes of co2 from the atmosphere. 

As of July 2022, 84.45 percent of plants have survived and are thriving out of the total 10132 saplings planted in 2021. This afforestation drive has been a unique experience in itself where all the stakeholders of the society came together to take climate action. It is also a testimonial to honouring our pledge to make sure that the next generation reaps the benefit of this endeavour. 

As the saying goes, the best times to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second-best time is now.

Event Details



15-May-2022 to 31-Jul-2022


9:0 hour

9:00 AM

6:00 PM



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